Digital Marketing

A Marketing Automation Platform that can do EVERYTHING!

Solving The Customer Engagement Puzzle Across Industries
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E-Commerce – Increase conversion, reduce cart abandonment and increase retention for your brand.

EdTech – Drive Views, increase Subscriptions and boost Engagement for your EdTech Business.

Banking and Financial Services – Build Trust & Credibility with your customers with timely nudges and knowledge transfer.

Direct-To-Consumers – Reduce customer churn and increase brand loyalty for your Direct-to Consumer Business.

Gaming & Entertainment

Why we need Digital Marketing

  • Building Customer Loyalty.

  • Finding Partnership Opportunities.

  • Increasing Brand Awareness.

  • Increasing Customer Traffic.

  • Offering Additional Value to Customers.

  • Increasing Sales and Profit.

  • Sharing Important Information with Leads and Consumers.

  • Showing how your brand differs from the competition.

  • Targeting the Right Audience.

How it works?

1. Set Promotional Goals

Setting achievements for your promotion guides the strategy. The process can help you stay productive and make smarter choices when deciding which tactics work best for your business. Align the goals with your overall marketing strategies. Segment your goals into smaller, more achievable milestones to stay on track and adjust your promotion methods as the strategy progresses.

2. Create a Budget

Creating a balanced budget for promotions can help you invest in strategies that help you reach your goals. The budget determines which paid promotional method fits into your overall business plan. It can also help you determine how much labour and resources you need to meet each marketing goal.

3. Define the Target Market

Knowing exactly who you plan to target with your promotions can help you make smarter decisions. It can also save you money and help ensure you’re prioritizing efforts that reach the right people. Conduct a SWOT analysis, which stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis can help you understand the value you offer currently and what you can improve. The information from the analysis gives details that lead you to the right demographics for your customer base.

4. Choose Promotion Types

Once you’ve done the research, you can pick promotion types that resonate with your audience and work with your budget. The first time you create a promotional strategy, you may enter a trial-and-error process to determine which ones work best. Make sure you select promotions that lend themselves to achieving your goals.

5. Incorporate Marketing Messages

Your marketing message is one of the most important parts of the promotion strategy. It gives the audience the information they need to understand why your company, product, or service meets their needs. It also explains the value and presents the call to action to get them to take the next step. You can develop a good marketing message by looking at the problems your audience needs solved and understanding how what you offer can fix them. It’s also helpful to highlight how your product or service is better than the competitors or what makes it unique. You may change your marketing message depending on the promotional channels you use.

6. Build Your Promotion Schedule

Determine how and when you’re going to push your promotions to the public. This includes both in person and digital calendars for content, events, and advertisements. Using a traditional calendar and scheduling tools can be a good way to visualize your promotion schedule as a whole. Research the best times to post content online so you can maximize your promotion abilities. You can also create urgency with your promotions by using emotional or otherwise engaging language to show limited-time offers or low stock.

7. Measure Your Efforts

The only way you can tell if your promotions are working is if you track their progress. Set metrics to track your goals and review milestones regularly. Collect as much data as possible to make sure you’re seeing the full picture of your promotions rather than just a small piece. This can tell you what’s working and what isn’t. Stay flexible with your plan and change the strategy in real-time if something isn’t working. This can get you closer to achieving goals and save you time and money.

Take your Multi-Channel Retention Marketing Game to the Next Level!

  • Email Marketing

  • SMS Marketing

  • WhatsApp Marketing

  • Push Notifications

  • Facebook Remarketing

  • Google Ads

  • Web Personalization

  • In-App Notifications

  • Average time on Page : The time a user spends on a specific web page during each visit.

  • Backlinks : Hyperlinks that connect your website to another web page.

  • Bounce Rate : The percentage of visitors who log into and then leave your website without viewing other pages or browsing.

  • Click-through Rate : The percentage of users who visited your website and clicked a specific link.

  • Comments : The number of responses, replies, or other instances where visitors provide feedback about your site, products, or content.

  • Conversion Rate : The percentage of users who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase.

  • Cost per Conversion : The price per ad space for each PPC ad that someone clicks on and takes them to your website within a certain period.

  • Downloads : The number of times people transfer files or data from your internet repositories to their own devices.

  • Email Forwards : The number of times someone sends an email from you to another account.

  • Engagement Rate : Explains how much your audience engaged with your content through means like comments, clicks, likes, or shares.

  • New Subscribers : The number of new accounts that follow or subscribe to your content.

  • New Visitors : The number of new IP addresses that reach your website.

  • Organic Keywords : Keywords that help drive free traffic to a website through search engine optimization.

  • Page Views : The total number of times a specific website receives a visit or page refresh.

  • Ranking Position : The spot in which your website. ranks on a search engine results page (SERP).

  • Referring Domains : The source from where you receive backlinks.

  • Returning Visitors : The number of IP addresses reaching your site that have visited previously.

  • Shares : The number of times someone took your content and passed it along to other people by adding it to their own page, tagging another account, or reposting it with credit.

  • Traffic Sources : Tell you from where your visits and traffic come, such as through search engines or paid or organic advertising.

  • Unique Visits : The number of single browsing sessions from original IP addresses for a website within a week.

  • Unsubscribers : The number of accounts that opt-out from receiving further communication from your company that have received it in the past.

  • Visits : The number of single browsing sessions for one website.

Methods used for Digital Marketing

Direct Marketing

Direct marketing promotions target specific audience members. The strategy uses tools like email newsletters and direct-to-home mailers. The point is to reach the audience where they are rather than getting them to come to you.


Whether it’s a promo code, coupon, or word-of-mouth promotion, offering free services or discounts can be a way to promote your business. Offering these incentives can help draw new customers to your company. They may feel like they can try your products or receive a deal before committing to being a loyal customer.

Elevator Pitch

An elevator pitch is a common tool for people interviewing for jobs, but it’s also helpful for business promotion. The short two- or three-sentence pitch tells the most important details of what your business does and how it helps or solves problems for customers. The owner, the marketing department, or a collaboration team may create the pitch. Use it at networking events, trade shows, or anywhere that can help you capture leads.


Flyers can be helpful promotional tools for small and neighborhood businesses. Put them in mailboxes, hang them on community bulletin boards, or display them in shop windows. Other distribution options include putting them in customer bags at checkout or providing a table of community flyers at your shop for people to browse and take at their leisure.

Google My Business Account

You may think of Google as a search engine, but it’s also a business directory. Tools like Google My Business allow you to get your company listed on the platform’s maps and search features. It also lets you optimize your search engine content to get discovered more easily and receive reviews from users to get additional advertising at no cost.

Guest Posts

Engaging in guest posting on other websites and blogs can get your brand more exposure. This type of content marketing can increase audience reach in your niche or bring people interested in the industry to your company. They also provide the chance to create partnerships with other organizations, which may lead to more collaboration and promotional opportunities in the future. When creating copy for your guest posts, consider working with a content marketing company like Copy Press to deliver polished, SEO-friendly pieces for even better exposure.


Create a hashtag for your company on social media sites like Twitter and Instagram. You can use this tag in your social media posts and so can loyal customers and new clients to increase brand recognition. Crafting posts that use other popular hashtags is another way to insert your brand into a trending conversation and reach a larger audience.

Paid Advertising

Paid advertising exists online and offline. Online paid advertising may refer to pay-per-click (PPC) ads for search engines and other websites. Offline, it may refer to billboard ad space, television commercials, radio spots, or magazine and newspaper ads.

Public Relations

Public relations (PR) as a discipline refers to how the world as a whole, not just your customers or followers, views your brand or company. PR often promotes a positive brand image to gain favor for an organization. It’s also helpful when acknowledging and handling things like negative reviews or unsatisfied customers.

Social Media

Social media is a free or inexpensive online tool that can help you promote your brand right to the consumers. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube are spaces to share photos, videos, and other advertisements. This method also provides the opportunity to capitalize on influencer marketing or work with well-known internet personalities to grow your exposure and audience.

Speaking Engagements and Webinars

Taking part in an online or offline panel discussion, seminar, webinar, or other speaking engagement can help you reach members of your target audience. These venues give chances to share your business values and expertise with the public. They also allow you to make meaningful connections with the people you hope to turn into clients or customers.


There are all kinds of events, teams, and programs that look for sponsors and donations throughout the year. These opportunities usually come with the promise of recognition. For example, a little league baseball team may put your company name on the back of their jerseys as a sponsor.


Adults and children alike enjoy stickers. They’re fun and easy to create, and you can often print them yourself. People can attach them to all kinds of things, like laptops or notebooks. This is a free, or relatively free, promotion for you, wherever customers take the items affixed with branded stickers.

Vehicle Decorations

Employees, freelancers, and others may promote your business using their vehicles. One type of vehicle decoration is wraps for company cars. This brands them with the business logo and contact information. Other options include window stickers, bumper magnets, bus ads, and sunshades. These options expose potential customers to your company in traffic, in parking lots, or during any type of road travel.


A professional-looking website can be a promotional tool. It allows you to post your most up-to-date information, inventory, and other content. Even the smallest businesses can benefit from a single-page, simple website that contains information like the company hours and contact information.

Media – Brand Strategy

When Media Partners is commissioned to undertake a Campaign, We Ensure that we have the right strategies in place. Great Campaigns are the Result of Attaining an Insight into the driving forces of Target Consumers.

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